

About us

The Central Board of Secondary Education launched the Sahodaya Movement mainly to introduce and experiment several nation-wide programmes, projects and activities for educational renewal and improvement. The Board is of the view that the active participation of schools in the true Sahodaya “spirit of living together” is a great source of trust, confidence and strength to CBSE as a National Board. The total number of Sahodayas has swelled to more than 110. Sahodaya Clusters from an important link between CBSE and its affiliated schools and it is a growing necessity today to be a part of it.



1.0 Name : The organization shall be Chennai Sahodaya Schools Complex.
2.0 Location: The office of the Chennai Sahodaya School Complex shall be the office of the Secretary

3.0 Definitions

3.1 The complex shall mean the Chennai Sahodya Schools Complex (CSSC).
3.2 The Executive Committee shall mean the office bearers of the CSSC elected or nominated as per the Rules laid down in Para 10
3.3 Year shall mean the Financial Year as April 1 st to March 31 st .

4.0 Jurisdiction:

The Jurisdiction of the Chennai Sahodaya Schools Complex shall be confined to Chennai and its Suburbs. How ever this may be extended to other schools out of Chennai, if no other Sahodaya Complex is available for them to become the member. In the event of the any dispute the secretary is authorized to sue and beside on behalf of the complex.

5.0 Aims & Objectives:

The Objectives of the Sahodaya Schools Complex shall be:.
5.1) To act as liaison between CBSE and the member schools in implementation of its Policies, projects.
5.2) To enable sharing of experience and facilities.
5.3) To promote inter schools collaboration.
5.4) To encourage professionalism among teachers and educational innovations among institutions.
5.5) To promote academic collaboration through teacher exchanges, common science fairs, joint seminars, workshops, exchange of library facilities, production of teaching aids, preparing question banks and conduct of common examinations among member schools.
5.6) To provide a forum for active participation among the member schools in developmental activities.
5.7) To provide a forum for active participation in the field of sports & Cultural activities.
5.8) Any other activity that enhances the academic/professional growth of the school/sahodaya complex/board.

6.0 Organisation:

The CSSC shall be a non political, non religious, non commercial body meant totally for “Educational Advancement” of its members. It shall aim at academic and professional growth of the members and their constituent staff. The CSSC shall function in an advisory capacity and shall not be involved directly or indirectly in the academic and/or administrative functioning of the member institutions.